Can elderly people with high blood pressure eat gum flowers?

Elderly people with high blood pressure can eat gum flowers, which contain more collagen, vitamin E and trace elements such as calcium and zinc, as well as a very high content of protein, which can supplement the essential amino acids. People with high blood pressure should try not to consume more than the amount of gum when consuming peanut butter, mainly for the use of health products. In addition to the use of health care products, the elderly with hypertension must pay attention to strict control of blood pressure to mainstream antihypertensive drugs and appropriate to improve lifestyle, gum is only an auxiliary to improve the body’s immunity, the role of physical supplements. The elderly with hypertension should keep their systolic blood pressure below 150 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure not below 60 mmHg. The elderly with hypertension should pay attention to blood lipids, cardiac ultrasound and electrocardiogram during medical checkups and pay attention to liver and kidney functions, and strictly monitor blood pressure.

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