What should I do if I have itchy blisters on my fingers?

Itchy blisters on the fingers are usually caused by herpes sweat, tinea cruris and other diseases, which can be treated with topical and systemic medications to treat the cause and symptoms. 1. Sweat herpes: caused by the interaction of internal and external factors, a special type of eczema. It is a special type of eczema. It is manifested by the appearance of small deep blisters on the palms of the hands, fingers and other parts of the body, accompanied by itching and burning sensation, and the blister fluid inside the blisters is clear or turbid. Triggers should be avoided, and topical glucocorticoid creams such as tretinoin cream should be used. When itching is obvious, antihistamine drugs such as oral loratadine can be taken. 2. Ringworm: caused by dermatophyte infection of the hands, preferred in the fingertips, palm, lesions for the initial blisters, blisters clear, not easy to break, can be accompanied by obvious itching. Can be applied locally miconazole, ketoconazole and other antifungal drugs. If the effect of local medication is not good, oral itraconazole, terbinafine and other drugs. In addition, there are many other reasons that can cause itchy blisters on the fingers, and patients should seek medical attention in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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