Sleeping position how to relax the oblique muscle

The following positions can relax the oblique muscles when sleeping: 1. You can adopt the position of a beach chair. In other words, the patient should lie half in bed, put a quilt on the back of the shoulders, and then put both hands on the back of the head. This is the best effect on the relaxation of the trapezius muscle, but this position should not be used for a long time, after 10-20 minutes of use, you need to change to lying down. 2, you can take the prone position sleeping position. The first time I saw this, I was in a prone position, the trapezius muscle will have a better relaxation effect, but it is still not recommended to take this position for a long time. 3, can take a long time to sleep in the supine position, that is, face up sleep. At this time, be sure to pillow some wider pillows, keep the head and cervical spine are on the pillow. At this time can play a moderate degree of relaxation of the oblique muscles, but also to make the effect of this relaxation can be sustained. Finally, it should be noted that although the above postures can significantly relax the trapezius muscle, but for patients with tension here, it is recommended to go to a regular Chinese hospital acupuncture and massage department to do acupuncture, Tuina, cupping and other physical therapy.

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