What to do if you have a fever after vaccination

Fever after vaccination can be treated with physical cooling, over 38.5 ℃ can be treated with oral antipyretic drugs, if the fever persists, medical treatment is needed.
Fever after vaccination belongs to the range of adverse reactions to vaccines. These symptoms are generally relatively mild and self-limiting, and can be cured within 1~2 days. Physical cooling can be combined with measures such as drinking more water and applying wet compresses to help lower the body temperature, and no special treatment is needed if the fever can be relieved on its own. If the fever persists above 38.5℃, oral antipyretic drugs can be taken under the guidance of physicians.
However, if the fever of 38.5℃ or above lasts for more than 24 hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time. At this time do not rule out vaccination site infection and other conditions, need to carry out routine blood, secretion culture and other tests to clarify the specific causative organisms after the use of ceftriaxone and other antibiotics to control the infection, combined with acetaminophen and other antipyretic treatment, in order to fundamentally control the symptoms of fever.
Therefore, low fever can be physically cooled down, high fever need to take antipyretic drugs under the guidance of a physician, and persistent high fever need to be further diagnosed and treated according to the cause of the disease.

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