What’s wrong with coffee-colored secretions?

If the vaginal discharge is coffee-colored, consider abnormal vaginal bleeding, there are physiological and pathological reasons: a. Physiological bleeding, if the vaginal discharge is coffee-colored after the end of menstruation, consider it is due to frequent late night, improper diet, tiredness or no good rest during menstruation, so that the vaginal discharge is a little coffee-colored after clean menstruation, if the vaginal discharge is coffee-colored in the middle of menstruation, consider it is ovulation bleeding, if there is no discomfort If there are no uncomfortable symptoms, it can be closely observed, if repeatedly vaginal coffee-colored discharge need hospital consultation. Second, pathological bleeding, when suffering from gynecological diseases will bleed, coffee-colored discharge, such as vaginitis, endometritis, cervicitis, cervical polyps, submucosal fibroids, endometrial polyps, it is recommended to check the routine of white belt, cervical cancer examination, gynecological ultrasound to exclude abnormal bleeding. Pregnancy leading to bleeding can be ruled out. Early pregnancy with pre-eclampsia will have a little coffee-colored discharge, and blood HCG can be checked to rule out pregnancy.

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