The efficacy and effects of taking kidney tablets

Kidney Treasure Tablet is a class A non-prescription drug, should be purchased in pharmacies with drug business licenses, under the guidance of pharmacists. Kidney Treasure Tablet mainly has the effect of reconciling yin and yang, warming and tonifying kidney yang, supporting the essence, and can be used for symptoms such as fear of cold, leucorrhea thinning in women. With kidney treasure must pay attention to, first to the hospital to exclude organic lesions, the second to exclude the presence of underlying diseases or are using other drugs, the third if there are symptoms in the pharmacist’s guidance to buy kidney treasure tablets on their own, when taking, if there is a gastrointestinal reaction can be taken after meals. If after taking it for a week, feel that the symptoms do not improve or new symptoms appear during the period, be sure to go to the hospital and re-evaluate under the guidance of a doctor for treatment.

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