What to do if you have a lot of gray hair at 35

35 years old hair white may be related to vitiligo, lack of zinc, mental stress and other factors, need to be based on the cause of the symptomatic treatment, usually using medication, hair follicle transplantation, stress relief methods. 1. Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a disease that causes white patches on the skin due to the destruction of melanocytes, and when vitiligo involves the hair follicles, the symptoms of white hair will appear. You can use local topical glucocorticosteroids, such as halometasone cream; topical calcium-modulated phosphatase inhibitors, such as pimecrolimus cream, tacrolimus ointment, etc.; topical vitamin D3 derivatives, such as tacrolimus ointment, etc.; Vitiligo stabilization can be used in hair transplantation, with the normal follicular structure of the hair follicle structure instead of the follicular structure of the diseased area, to promote the restoration of the melanin of the hair. 2. lack of zinc: zinc is a necessary element of melanin synthesis, when the body lack of zinc will lead to hypopigmentation or complete lack of pigmentation, resulting in hair white, can be oral zinc preparation for treatment, such as zinc gluconate oral solution, licorice zinc granules. 3. Excessive mental stress: If you are in a state of high pressure for a long period of time, high mental tension or prolonged fatigue, you may have gray hair, so you should relieve the pressure, adjust your mindset or carry out psychological counseling. All of the above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a professional doctor, to avoid self-medication. 35 years old hair white, first of all, to clarify the cause of the disease, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor for standardized treatment.

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