What to do about labia pain in early pregnancy

Labia pain in early pregnancy may be due to vaginitis, vulvar varicose veins and other reasons, by keeping the vulva clean, medication to take care of. Women in early pregnancy due to the rise in estrogen and progesterone levels in the body, resulting in increased secretions, do not pay attention to the perineum cleanliness and hygiene may lead to vaginal inflammation, may cause vaginal burning sensation, swelling and adhesion of the labia and labia pain. Usually pay attention to the perineum clean, increased secretions clean up, serious check what kind of vaginitis, and then targeted treatment, such as mycotic vaginitis, with sodium bicarbonate wash the vulva, vaginal use of mycobacterin tablets. The rapid increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood during early pregnancy leads to the relaxation of the vein walls, resulting in vulvar varicose veins, which can cause symptoms of labial pain. Vulvar varicose veins can be localized cold compresses or cold water sitz baths, so that the vulvar varicose veins vasoconstriction, local application of zinc oxide ointment, help varicose veins vasoconstriction to improve the symptoms. Early pregnancy labia pain in serious cases of timely medical treatment, the above drugs should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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