What’s wrong with painful sex?

Pain during sex is mostly seen in women, it may be psychological, or it may be caused by vaginitis, endometriosis and other diseases, the patient should consult a doctor in time. 1. Psychological effects: If it is the first time that women have sex, pain during sexual intercourse may be caused by too much tension and other factors, usually without special treatment. 2. Vaginitis: vaginitis that can cause pain during sex include mycotic vaginitis and bacterial vaginitis. (1) moldy vaginitis: also known as vulvovaginal pseudomycosis, the patient will have increased vaginal discharge and presented as tofu scum, but also vaginal, vulvar itching, pain during sexual intercourse and other symptoms, can be used locally gramicidin suppositories. (2) Bacterial vaginitis: it occurs in sexually active genital women, patients will have increased vaginal discharge, accompanied by fishy odor, can be treated with local use of metronidazole. 3. Endometriosis: that is, the tissue of the endometrium grows outside the uterine cavity and the myometrium, patients will have dysmenorrhea, pain during sexual intercourse, prolonged menstruation, etc. Mifepristone and Danazol can be used for treatment. All of the above medications should be used under medical supervision.

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