What are the symptoms of sub-health

Subhealth can be divided into the following five major aspects, 1, physical subhealth, individuals feel some discomfort in themselves, the main symptoms are fatigue, sleepiness, body aches and pains, insomnia, emaciation, decline in function, dysfunction, etc. People in a subhealthy state often feel physical incompetence, fatigue and sleepiness, lack of energy and vitality; 2, psychological subhealth, subhealth performance in the psychological and psychological subhealth, the reality of many people feel In reality, many people feel irritability, anxiety, extreme fear, memory loss, slow reaction, etc., which are all manifestations of psychological subhealth; 3, emotional subhealth, in today’s accelerated development of socialization, people generally feel and see indifference, hopelessness, exhaustion, mechanical and extramarital affairs, early love, etc., which are all manifestations of emotional subhealth; 4, ideological subhealth, subhealth is manifested in the mind refers to people in the world view, outlook on life, values The subhealth of thought, subhealth of thought refers to people’s world view, outlook on life, values and other deviations that are not conducive to their own development and the development of society, everyone has their own ideas, different levels and degrees of thought so that each person has different cultural values; 5, subhealth of behavior, careful observation will find that some people always behave abnormally, disorderly, inappropriate performance, these are the subhealth of behavior.

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