How much jumping rope a day can achieve weight loss

How much jumping rope a day can achieve weight loss, the specific number varies from person to person, and needs to be gradual. Rope skipping every day is about half an hour or more, combined with diet and other conditions, excluding disease factors, after insisting for a period of time can achieve a certain effect of weight loss. Rope skipping can consume the body’s calories, have a certain effect on weight loss, every day about the time needed about 30 minutes or so. Although the effect of jumping rope to lose weight is good, but the incorrect movement will cause some damage to the knee, each exercise should be fully warmed up before, standardize the movement, develop a suitable exercise program. In addition to jumping rope, jogging, swimming, playing ball and other sports also help to lose weight, while in the diet should be scientific and reasonable, to ensure adequate sleep and rest, to avoid excessive psychological stress. Excessive obesity need to rule out pathological factors, such as Cushing’s syndrome, improper use of glucocorticoids, etc., and seek timely medical attention when necessary.

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