What are the effects of Flat Stomach Powder?

Flat Stomach San is a Chinese herbal formula that dispels dampness and is effective in drying dampness, transporting the spleen, moving qi and harmonizing the stomach.
It is composed of Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Licorice. It is effective in drying dampness, transporting spleen, promoting circulation of Qi and harmonizing stomach. It is used in treating the symptoms of distention and fullness in the stomach and abdomen (stomach and abdomen distension and discomfort), loss of appetite, tastelessness, nausea and vomiting, belching (belching), excessive stomach acid, heavy limbs, tiredness and sleepiness caused by the evidence of dampness stagnation in the spleen and stomach (dampness stagnation in the spleen and stomach).
In this formula, Atractylodes macrocephala is good at drying dampness and invigorating the spleen, and it is the monarch drug; Houpu is good at moving qi and removing fullness and dampness; Chenpi regulates qi and harmonizes the stomach, drying dampness and invigorating the spleen; Licorice benefits qi, invigorates the spleen and neutralizes the middle, and harmonizes all the medicines (harmonizing the properties of different traditional Chinese medicines); Ginger added in the decoction warms and disperses dampness, and it can harmonize the stomach and reduce rebelliousness (harmonizing the gastric qi and making the upwardly reversed qi to decline); jujubes can harmonize the spleen and stomach.
The formula dries dampness and moves qi, so that dampness is removed and the spleen is healthy, and the qi is harmonized, so that the spleen and stomach are in harmony.
Ping Qi San should be used after diagnosis by a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, and should not be used blindly by oneself to avoid aggravation of the condition or adverse reactions.

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