What’s wrong with yellowish, sticky discharge during pregnancy?

Yellowish and sticky discharge during pregnancy is related to poor hygiene habits and gynecological infections.
1. Bad hygiene habits. Women after pregnancy due to the body’s hormone levels increase, metabolism is strong, will lead to cervical glands and vaginal secretions increase, if the usual hygiene habits are not good, do not pay attention to cleaning or underwear replacement is not timely, the secretion gathered more after oxidation will become yellow, sticky, but generally do not have a strange smell and itching discomfort.
2. Gynecological infection. The yellowish color of secretions during pregnancy, sticky, but also alert to whether it is vaginitis or cervicitis and other diseases caused by. Women suffering from gynecological inflammation will make the secretion increase, and there will be yellowish color, greenish change, the white belt will also become sticky, odor, accompanied by itching or abdominal pain and other discomforts.
Yellowish and thick discharge during pregnancy should be kept hygienic and clean, and any discomfort should be treated in time for the cause.

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