How many days a course of treatment for Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoid Suppositories?

Ma Ying Long is the trade name and generic name of Musk Hemorrhoid Suppository, which is not administered according to a course of treatment, usually starting with 7 days, and if the symptoms are relieved, the prescription can be extended according to the condition. Musk hemorrhoid suppositories are composed of artificial oxalis, panax ginseng, quinquefolium, ice tablets, artificial musk, pearl, belladonna flowing ointment, glycerite (calcined). This product a few days a course of treatment clinically there is no uniform provisions, usually the first 7 days, if the symptoms do not relieve the drug is discontinued, such as the symptoms have obvious relief, can be extended under the guidance of the physician prescription time. Musk hemorrhoid suppository has the effect of reducing swelling and pain (eliminating swelling and pain), stopping bleeding and regenerating muscle, clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxicity in the body), and is mainly used to treat anal fissure, hemorrhoids, burning pain in the anus caused by heat in the large intestine, bleeding in the stool, and blood of bright red color. Its adverse reactions are occasional decrease in sweating, constipation, dry skin, dry mouth, and difficulty in urination in the elderly. Contraindication is prohibited for lactating women. Note that this product is prohibited for internal use, for rectal use; avoid greasy, stimulating food during the use of drugs, avoid smoking and alcohol; to keep the bowel movement during treatment; pregnant women should be used with caution; glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, old age and infirmity, hypertension should be applied under the guidance of a physician; serious symptoms are appropriate to go to the hospital. If for musk hemorrhoid suppository has the need for medication, to be under the guidance of a physician to use medication, do not apply on their own, to avoid delaying the condition, causing adverse consequences.

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