What’s wrong with the raised hard lump after the wound heals?

There are protruding hard lumps after wound healing is often caused by the following reasons: First, scar hyperplasia, in the healing of the wound there will be obvious scar tissue generation, when touched like a hard lump, do not worry too much, with the extension of time scar can gradually soften. If the protrusion is very serious, you can go to the medical plastic surgery department of the hospital, local topical drugs for treatment, if necessary, you can also play drugs that inhibit scar growth, such as tretinoin, etc. for treatment, and some patients need radiotherapy treatment. Second, it may be caused by the sutures underneath the wound exclusion, need to go to the hospital surgery for examination, if necessary, need to remove the sutures in the wound, the symptoms can be gradually relieved. Third, there are a small number of patients is caused by the deeper level of infection below, then need to give anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment.

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