How to improve the back of the hand bruises

For the improvement of the veins on the back of the hand, first of all, we need to clarify the cause of the veins, whether they are bulging due to overexertion, heavy physical activities on the upper limbs, or physical exercise, or whether they are bulging due to some diseases, such as deep vein valve insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, or obstruction of venous return due to stenosis and occlusion of the cephalic veins. If the former is caused by heavy labor and physical exercise, it is possible to reduce physical labor, which can help improve the bruising. In the case of deep vein thrombosis and stenosis and occlusion of the cephalic veins, the blood flow needs to be improved, either by compression therapy or by surgery to open the blocked veins, which can promote microcirculation and improve the bruising of the back of the hand.

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