What causes sudden weakness in the legs when walking?

Walking with a sudden weakness in the legs may be related to chondromalacia patella, lumbar spinal stenosis, severe osteoarthritis of the knee, etc. 1. Chondromalacia patella: the patient’s excessive exercise leads to damage to the articular surface of the patella opposite to the femur and the internal articular cartilage. At this time, there will be pain around the patella and a feeling of leg weakness when walking or going up and down stairs. 2. Lumbar spinal stenosis: it is a chronic, cumulative disease that continues to compress the nerves and cause severe inflammatory edema. So when you walk, your legs will suddenly become weak and even kneel down, which is mainly related to severe nerve ischemia and hypoxia. 3. Severe osteoarthritis of the knee: it may be due to infection, trauma and other reasons, causing inflammation of the joints, and in severe cases, it may cause atrophy of the leg muscles, accompanied by knee pain and limited activities, which can be manifested as a sudden weakness of the legs when walking. Sudden weakness can also be seen in muscle weakness and other causes, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, follow the doctor’s instructions for further examination, with the help of the doctor to clarify the cause, and targeted treatment or therapy.

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