What’s wrong with feeling back pain on the right side after sex?

Feeling right-sided back pain after sex may be kidney stones, pelvic inflammatory disease, lumbar muscle strain, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation and other factors. 1. Kidney stones: when there is a kidney stone on the right side, due to the change in position during sex, the stone moves, causing local stimulation, you will feel the right side of the back pain after sex, may also be accompanied by frequent urination, hematuria and other symptoms. 2. Pelvic inflammatory disease: when suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic inflammatory disease may be aggravated after sex, which will lead to the right side of the waist pain, may also be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal secretion increase and other abnormal performance. 3. Lumbar muscle strain: it may be related to excessive bending, prolonged exposure to cold and other factors, in sexual life to the damaged parts of the excessive pulling and squeezing, will feel the right side of the waist soreness, in excessive bending or cold, the pain can be aggravated. 4. Lumbar disc herniation: the existence of lumbar disc herniation, after sex, the disc herniation aggravation, will cause the right side of the back pain, may also be accompanied by lower limb pain and lower limb numbness and other symptoms. If you feel right-sided back pain after sex, lasting for a long time, or there are other abnormal manifestations, it is recommended to consult a doctor for examination and treatment to avoid delaying the condition.

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