Suddenly a lot of red rash on the body what happened

A sudden appearance of many red rashes on the body requires careful observation of the appearance of the rash to determine how the factors are formed. If the red rash is accompanied by obvious itching, with papule-like changes at the top and obvious discoloration when pressed, consider that it may be allergic dermatitis, which can be treated with oral loratadine tablets and topical application of Denide cream and fluticasone propionate cream. If the red rash on the body does not fade after pressing, and it occurs in the extremities, consider the possibility of purpura disease, it is recommended to go to the local hospital to do the blood routine, according to the test results to determine whether it is allergic purpura or thrombocytopenic purpura. If the red rash appears on the palm of the hand, forearm, forehead and other parts of the body without obvious self-conscious symptoms, a syphilis spirochete test is needed to rule out syphilis.

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