What vitamins to take for foot odor

Vitamins generally do not help with foot odor, which requires antifungal treatment, and in the case of tinea pedis, can be treated with vitamin B1. Foot fungus, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by a fungal infection that manifests itself as itching, blistering, and flaking of the feet, and requires antifungal treatment, including medications such as ketoconazole cream, terbinafine cream, etc. Vitamins generally don’t have much of a therapeutic effect. In addition, if the foot fungus, different from foot fungus, usually caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, can be manifested as systemic symptoms such as fatigue, headache, etc., can be carried out oral vitamin B1 treatment. If you have foot odor or foot fungus, you should go to the hospital in time for examination, the use of the above drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions.

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