What to do about high-risk gastric mesenchymal tumors

High-risk gastric mesenchymal tumor, should be considered to take surgical treatment, targeted drug therapy, and regular review.
High-risk gastric mesenchymal stromal tumor, usually the tumor diameter is more than 5 cm, the pathological examination observes the high number of nuclear schizophrenia, the number of nuclear schizophrenia per 50 high magnification microscope field of view>5, or the rupture of mesenchymal tumor, and so on.
1. Surgery: Surgery is the first choice for high-risk mesenchymal stromal tumors, according to the condition, laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery or open surgery, complete resection of the tumor and peripheral lymph node dissection.
2. Targeted drug therapy: high-risk type of gastric mesothelioma has high recurrence rate after surgery, including in situ recurrence and abdominal implantation metastasis, etc. If there is any gene mutation, it can be treated with targeted drug therapy, such as imatinib mesylate tablets, etc., under the instruction of doctor.
3. Regular review: after surgery and targeted drug treatment, high-risk gastric mesenchymal stromal tumors still have the possibility of recurrence, and should be reviewed strictly according to the time, such as abdominal ultrasound, CT, magnetic resonance imaging examination, and tumor marker examination.
High-risk gastric mesenchymal tumors are characterized by high malignancy, rapid progression, high recurrence rate, etc. They should go to regular hospitals in time to fully evaluate their conditions and make reasonable treatment plans.

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