Symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis in children

Symptoms of cholecystitis in children include abdominal pain, high fever, nausea, jaundice, etc. Treatment includes medication and surgery. 1.Symptoms of cholecystitis in children: (1) abdominal pain: it is the most common symptom, mostly pain in the right upper abdomen, infants and young children can’t express themselves because they show more than crying. (2) high fever, chills: children with elevated body temperature, may appear pale lips, cold and other symptoms. (3) Nausea: the child has nausea, acid reflux, loss of appetite and other symptoms. (4) Jaundice: yellowing of the skin and sclera may occur. 2. Treatment modalities: (1) Drug therapy: for example, scopolamine is used to relieve smooth muscle spasm of the biliary tract; hepatoprotective drugs, such as compound glycyrrhizin tablets, are used to improve liver function. (2) Surgical treatment: mainly cholecystectomy is performed to remove the diseased gallbladder to avoid recurrence of the disease. If cholecystitis in children occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and treat it actively to avoid more serious complications. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

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