With hemorrhoids buttocks very smelly how to treat

Hemorrhoids cause anal odor in two cases: first, external hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids may deepen the folds of the skin around the anus, resulting in the accumulation of infectious substances within the folds and produce odor, some will be accompanied by local itching, and even the production of perianal eczema, the need for patients to pay attention to a light diet, to keep the stool soft and fluent, after the stool need to wash with warm water, sitz bath treatment. If it is accompanied by itching, you can use potassium permanganate solution according to the quality of 1:5000 ratio of sitz bath symptomatic treatment. If local eczema is present, topical Denide ointment can be used. If the above conservative treatment is still not good, you need to consider the surgical treatment. The second, serious internal hemorrhoids prolapse outside the anus, thus leading to the leakage of intestinal fluid and fecal water from the rectum, causing odor around the anus, this situation is mostly caused by stage III, IV or more internal hemorrhoids, by drug conservative treatment most of the results are not very satisfactory, need to be surgical treatment. The hemorrhoid patients should still pay attention to their diet, pay attention to the cleaning and disinfection of the anal area after the bowel movement, and go to the hospital in time for clinical symptoms, examination and treatment.

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