The efficacy and effect of drinking Panax ginseng in wine

Panax ginseng wine drink has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, activating blood circulation and fixing pain, mainly used for the treatment of bruises, blood stasis, swelling and pain and other conditions. It contains alcohol should not drink more, pregnant women should be cautious. No indications are not recommended to drink panax pseudoginseng wine, the drug should be used under the guidance of a doctor.
Panax notoginseng is also known as mountain lacquer, gold not to change. It is the dried root and rhizome of Panax quinquefolium, a plant of the family Wujiaceae. It is sweet, slightly bitter and warm in nature. It belongs to the liver and stomach meridians. It has the efficacy of dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding (removing stasis and stopping bleeding), activating blood circulation and fixing pain, and is mainly used for treating hemoptysis, vomiting blood, bleeding from traumatic injuries, and swelling and pain from falling and thrashing.
Wine is a kind of beverage made from the fruits of rice, barley and other plants of the grass family. It is spicy in flavor, fragrant in air and hot in nature. It has the efficacy of dispelling wind, moving qi, and facilitating the flow of water and blood.
Whether you can use Panax ginseng to make wine needs to be under the guidance of a doctor, and is prohibited for people who are allergic to alcohol.

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