When does the early education of babies start? What should I pay attention to?

There is an old Chinese saying: “3 years old is old, 7 years old is old”, which has a scientific basis. 0 to 3 years old is the most critical period for a person’s early education, but many parents do not know how to grasp this critical period. Many parents think that it’s okay for their children to eat well, or they can’t wait for their children to become literate and do math problems when they are very young, but in fact, it’s the nature of children to play. What is early education? Early education is an organized and purposeful environment-rich educational activity that promotes the overall development of infants and toddlers and maximizes their potential in accordance with the laws of motor, intellectual and emotional development. Early education is family-centered, with parents as the first responsible person. Early educators teach parents about the laws of motor, intellectual and emotional development of infants and toddlers, and guide them to promote the overall development of infants and toddlers in a scientific way with a rich environment, such as a language environment, the necessary conditions for free movement, methods of play and a warm emotional atmosphere. Early education is best to start with newborns Infancy is the period of the most rapid psychological development, and the younger the age, the faster the development. Under the age of 3, especially from 0 to 1, infants’ intelligence develops day by day. There is a critical period for learning ability. The critical period is the period when a certain knowledge or behavioral experience is most easily acquired and formed in a particular period or stage, and if this period is missed, it cannot be acquired or does not reach the highest level. The foundation of a child’s intellectual development is the brain, and the first few years after birth are the most rapid period of brain development. The newborn brain weighs 370 grams; at 6 months it is 700 grams, about twice as much as at birth (50% of the adult brain weight); at 2 years of age it is 3 times as much as at birth (3/4 of the adult weight); at 4 years of age it is 4 times as much, already close to the adult weight, but only 27% of the adult weight, therefore, the brain is developed first. The proliferation period of nerve cells in the human brain is from the first 3 months of gestation to 1 year after birth. After this period, nerve cells no longer replicate or regenerate, while the proliferation of support cells, which maintain the nutrition and conduction of nerve cells, continues from the second trimester to 2 years after birth. What should I pay attention to during early education? The key to early education is “early”, and there are many things to note in the specific implementation of early education. 1. There should be a correct guiding ideology. The purpose of early education is to develop the child’s potential as early as possible, so that the child’s talents in all areas are fully developed, not just to enable the child to master certain knowledge or skills as early as possible. For example, in the process of early education, music, numbers or words are chosen as educational materials, the purpose of which is only to provide children with rich early stimulation opportunities to promote the full development of the child’s nervous system, especially the brain, to improve the speed and depth of the child’s acceptance of external information. 2, to understand the laws and characteristics of children’s physical and mental development. Although it is not too early to develop children’s intelligence, the timing of implementation is still very important. This requires parents to have a preliminary understanding of child psychology before preparing to implement early education, to have a clear understanding of children’s physical and mental development, and to know the laws and characteristics of the development of different aspects of children’s psychology and their related influencing factors. On this basis, parents take the right educational tools to make early education really effective. 3, the stimulation provided for the child should be colorful. For example, in addition to musical stimulation during fetal education, the pregnant woman’s abdomen should be frequently stroked to stimulate the development of the fetus’ sense of touch. After birth, to provide a variety of stimuli for visual, auditory, tactile, taste, smell and balance and other sensory channels. 4, to be able to make the child feel pleasant. Early education is only an adult’s understanding; no such term exists in the child’s world. That is to say, all activities that can be seen as early education by adults are just life enriching activities in the eyes of children. In other words, early education should not be implemented in a way that makes the child feel burdened or pressured to do something that he or she must do. Of course, if this kind of learning becomes a habit, the child will consciously think that it is something that must be done. 5, early education is not only to develop intelligence, the main task is to cultivate a good personality and the ability to adapt to life and society, so that the child can become socially acceptable and useful to society in the future. 6.You can’t be in a hurry. The role of early education is huge, but its effect may be slow. Parents must realize this. Never educate your child today and hope to see a miracle tomorrow.

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