What to do if you practice yoga during your period and your period is gone

Practicing yoga during menstruation without menstruation may be caused by overwork, it is recommended to take appropriate rest. The situation may also have nothing to do with the practice of yoga, is that the patient suffers from perimenopausal syndrome, uterine cavity adhesion and other diseases, patients can take medication, surgical treatment.
1. Overwork: practicing yoga during menstruation may lead to overwork and hormone secretion disorders, resulting in the absence of menstruation. It is recommended that the patient ensure sufficient rest, and the next menstrual cycle will usually return to normal.
2. Perimenopausal syndrome: For the perimenopausal syndrome caused by practicing yoga during the menstrual period, the patient can follow the doctor’s instructions to take progesterone, dydrogesterone tablets and other progestogens, but also oral estradiol drospirenone tablets, estradiol dextroprogesterone tablets and other estrogen progesterone compound preparations.
3. Uterine cavity adhesion: Uterine cavity adhesion can also lead to patients appearing menstrual practice yoga menstruation no phenomenon, inflammation of minor adhesion patients can follow the doctor’s instructions to use cefixime particles, levofloxacin, etc., surgical trauma caused by the feasible surgical separation of the adhesion.
Patients appear to practice yoga during menstruation menstruation no phenomenon, may also be caused by overwork, do not need special treatment. If the disease is caused, the patient should consult a doctor in time, and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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