What Chinese medicine to take for menstrual headache

According to the cause and location of the headache, you can choose Chuanxiong Cha Zhi San, Free Pill or Si Wu Granules.

1. Menstrual headache due to external wind: menstrual headache accompanied by coldness (fear of cold) and fever, headache at the back of the head with shoulder and neck. Chuanxiong Cha Zhi San (川芎茶調散), which has the efficacy of dispelling wind and relieving pain, should not be applied to headache with prolonged pain and Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, or headache due to insufficiency of the liver and kidneys (weakness of the liver and kidneys), and exuberance of yang qi.

2. Menstrual headache due to deficiency of liver and spleen: menstrual headache accompanied by distension and pain in the chest and ribs (chest and ribs), can take Free Pill, which has the efficacy of dispersing the liver and strengthening the spleen (regulating the liver qi and strengthening the spleen), the adverse effects and contraindications of the medicine are still unclear, and it is not recommended to avoid eating cold food during the period of taking the medicine.

3. Menstrual blood deficiency headache: menstrual headache is accompanied by headache, colorless, can take four particles, with the effect of regulating menstruation and nourishing blood, should not be taken at the same time with cold medicine.

Patients with severe menstrual headache should be diagnosed as soon as possible, in addition to the above drugs need to be taken under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, not blindly used on their own.

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