How to regulate children with bad breath due to food accumulation

Children with bad breath from food accumulation need to be regulated by general measures and medication. Some children can be cured after taking general measures in time. 1. General measures: Parents need to help their children adjust their poor eating habits and lifestyle, avoid spicy and stimulating, greasy food, reduce the intake of sweets, gas-producing food and carbonated drinks, slow down the pace of eating, and avoid overeating. Secondly, you need to have a regular routine, go to bed early and get up early, and exercise appropriately. 2. Medication: Children need to take medication such as pediatric gastric granules and probiotics (e.g. bacillus subtilis bacillus granules) under doctor’s supervision to relieve symptoms. 3. In addition, some children with mild symptoms can be cured within a certain period of time after taking general measures with the doctor and strengthening the daily management, and no further medication is needed. Usually, the prognosis is good after standardized treatment, parents need to strengthen their children’s dietary management and follow up on time. All of the above medications should be taken under professional medical supervision.

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