What to eat after wisdom tooth extraction

After wisdom tooth extraction, it is suitable to eat soft, easy to chew, not too high temperature and nutritious food, such as porridge, soup, milk and so on. Wisdom teeth are located at the very end of the socket and grow in a unique way, so they are often more difficult to remove, causing more trauma, discomfort and longer healing time. Therefore, patients who have had their wisdom teeth extracted should not eat or drink for 2 hours, and thereafter it is appropriate to eat foods that are easy to chew so as not to overburden the recovery of the extraction sockets. Common foods such as rice, milk and so on are all OK. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the temperature of the food, you can not eat too hot food, the theory is that the temperature of the food is slightly lower rather than good for the wound to stop bleeding. Please follow the doctor’s instructions and consult the doctor if you have any discomfort.

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