What kind of exercise is suitable for damp-heat body

Damp-heat constitution patients are suitable for intense, large exercise, easy to sweat sports, such as long-distance running, swimming, climbing mountains and so on. However, excessive exercise is not recommended, and it is best to focus on conditioning.
Damp-heat constitution is often caused by addiction to tobacco and alcohol, staying up late, improper diet, liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor qi and blood transportation of the liver, emotional depression), as well as hot and humid environment.
Damp-heat constitution is often manifested as heavy limbs, yellow and greasy tongue coating, as well as stuffy stomach and fullness, thirst, nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain and diarrhea, urgency and heaviness (discomfort in the lower abdomen, wanting to defecate very much, and a feeling of incomplete defecation after defecation), loose stools, short and red urine (urine is small in volume and dark yellow in color), frequent urination, and urgency of urination, and other symptoms.
Damp-heat constitution patients are generally suitable for greater intensity, exercise and easy to sweat sports, such as long-distance running, swimming, mountain climbing, etc., exercise time should be controlled in 45 minutes to 2 hours. Exercise time should be 45 minutes to 2 hours. Note that exercise should be combined with personal conditions, do not overdo it.
If symptoms of discomfort occur, it is recommended to go to the hospital and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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