What is wrong with low fever every evening?

The first common cause of low fever in the evening is often infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the evening, especially between 5 and 7 pm, the body temperature is slightly higher than during the day, and if fever occurs, it is more likely to manifest itself at this time because the body temperature is highest at this time. If the fever is really caused by tuberculosis, it will usually be accompanied by symptoms of wasting, coughing, coughing up sputum and hemoptysis, so you need to go to a specialized tuberculosis hospital for anti-tuberculosis treatment. In addition, we can also not rule out malignant tumors that cause low fever every evening. It is also not excluded that the symptoms of low fever in the evening are caused by chronic infection. Blood tests, C-reactive protein and blood bacterial culture are needed to clarify the type of infection and to provide targeted anti-infection treatment.

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