What is fluid accumulation

What are effusions? Effusion is most often seen as a pleural effusion or an abdominal effusion. So what usually causes pleural effusion? Usually patients with obstructive pneumonia, or advanced lung cancer will develop pleural effusion, then with pleural effusion, we need to give thoracentesis to drain the cavity in order to relieve the patient’s symptoms. If no drainage is performed, too much fluid will cause respiratory failure. What causes a pneumoperitoneum? Abdominal effusion is caused by hypoproteinemia, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and then another is kidney disease, which can also cause abdominal effusion. Then, the fluid can be drained out by diuretic and swelling reduction methods or by laparotomy. Of course, there are also pericardial effusion, pelvic effusion and so on.

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