Is it normal to be 60 years old with a high pressure of 135 and a low pressure of 69?

High pressure is also known as systolic blood pressure, low pressure is also known as diastolic blood pressure, 65 years old systolic blood pressure 135mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 69mmHg is normal.
Normal systolic blood pressure at the age of 65 is 90~139mmHg, diastolic blood pressure is 60~89mmHg, measured systolic blood pressure 135mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 69mmHg is within the normal range.
At the age of 65, the range of blood pressure values measured is the same as that of other time periods. Blood pressure is a basic vital sign, and is also valuable in the diagnosis of some diseases, such as hypertension.
It is recommended to measure blood pressure in a quiet state, the measured value will be more accurate, the measurement of blood pressure is too high or too low is abnormal, the control is not stable may affect the patient’s physical and mental health.
Usually check your body regularly, and seek medical advice if your blood pressure is abnormal.

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