Does Banlangen treat wind-heat colds or wind-cold colds?

Panax quinquefolium is generally used to treat wind-heat colds.
The root is the dried root of woad, family Cruciferae, bitter taste, cold nature, to the heart, stomach meridian, with heat detoxification, cooling blood and pharyngeal effect and function, mainly used for the plague when the poison, fever and sore throat, warm poison spot (warm poisonous evil invasion of the human body leading to skin spots, patches), Dan toxicity (acute infectious disease, the skin can be seen to redden like paint) and other diseases.
Wind-heat cold is a symptom caused by wind-heat, with common clinical symptoms such as heavy fever, headache, sore throat and cough. The treatment is based on pungent coolness and penetration of the surface (using pungent and cool medicines to dissipate the evils on the surface of the muscles), clearing heat and removing toxins, therefore, Banlangen has a certain therapeutic effect on the symptoms of wind-heat colds.
Wind-cold cold is mainly caused by external wind-cold, mainly manifested as severe cold (fear of cold), light fever, nasal congestion and runny nose, etc., the treatment is mainly based on the method of dispersal of cold with pungent warmth and detoxification of the epidermis, commonly used in external wind-cold particles, etc..
In addition, Banlangen’s medication cold, and avoid long-term use, and no real fire and heat toxins, spleen and stomach cold patients need to be careful to take.
It is recommended that patients with cold symptoms should be treated by a professional Chinese medicine practitioner and choose appropriate and effective drugs for treatment, and should not blindly use Panlangen on their own, so as to avoid ineffective treatment or adverse reactions to the drug.

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