What’s with the mouth ulcers and jagged tongue?

Mouth ulcers and tongue serration can be caused by the mouth ulcer disease itself, or by tongue inflammation or tongue hypertrophy that leads to tongue serration. 1. Mouth ulcers: Mouth ulcers themselves can lead to ulcers in the mouth and a serrated tongue. 2. Inflammation of the tongue: chronic inflammation of the tongue may cause the tongue to increase in size and then be squeezed by the teeth on both sides and appear jagged, which is the most common reason for the appearance of tongue jaggedness. 3. Hypertrophy of the tongue: such as overeating, obese people, can appear tongue hypertrophy, as well as congenital hypertrophy of the tongue, hypertrophy of the tongue is easy to be extruded by the teeth on both sides, thus appearing serrated shape. When mouth ulcers, tongue jagged, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor for targeted treatment.

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