Do you gain weight from eating green vegetables?

If you choose to cook in a light way, you will not gain weight by eating green vegetables. However, if too much seasoning is added during the cooking process or if other high-calorie foods are consumed at the same time, it is possible to gain weight.
Green vegetables belong to the green vegetables, which contains a large proportion of vegetable types, such as cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce and oatmeal and so on. Green vegetables are usually rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and trace elements, and contain low calories.
When eating green vegetables, if the cooking method is relatively light, and do not eat too much other high-calorie food at the same time, then generally will not gain weight. However, if too much oil is put into the cooking of green vegetables, or other high-calorie foods are consumed at the same time, such as braised meat, barbecue, etc., it may lead to body fat.
The human body fat considering the daily intake of energy more than the body to consume the amount of triggered, if you want to avoid the body fat, the daily intake of calories as far as possible to control in the 1500 ~ 1800 calories or so, after eating need to be combined with the body’s condition, appropriate to do some physical exercise, to accelerate the consumption of calories.

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