What happened to the tremor after the brain hemorrhage when he didn’t regain consciousness?

Tremor without recovery of consciousness after brain hemorrhage may be caused by cerebral nerve damage, secondary epilepsy, hypoglycemia or hypocalcemia.
1. Cerebral nerve injury: tremor without recovery of consciousness after cerebral hemorrhage may be caused by damage to motor and sensory nerves in the brain. Neuroelectric signal conduction is impaired, leading to the tremor phenomenon.
2. Secondary epilepsy: the tremor may be secondary to epilepsy. Craniotomy can lead to brain tissue damage, and then secondary epilepsy, the phenomenon of tremor will occur.
3. Hypoglycemia or hypocalcemia: Some patients with cerebral hemorrhage are prone to electrolyte disorders and hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, etc. due to difficulty in swallowing after surgery, which may also lead to tremor.
There may be many other reasons for the tremor after brain hemorrhage surgery, and it is recommended that the patient should consult the doctor in time, and take corresponding treatment after the cause is clarified under the guidance of the professional doctor.

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