Can Raw Vein Drink treat hives?

Sheng Wei Drink is a proprietary Chinese medicine with the effect of benefiting qi, nourishing yin and generating fluids, and does not have the effect of treating urticaria. People with urticaria need to take the medicine under the guidance of a professional doctor. Urticaria refers to the skin due to contact with food, drugs, pollen and other factors that appear above the skin of the wind, can quickly appear and disappear, usually accompanied by itching, at present, mainly through the elimination of the cause of the disease and anti-allergy treatment to cure urticaria, but it is easy to recurring attacks. Chinese medicines can be used to treat urticaria, such as Yu Ping Feng Granules and Si Miao Pills. Sheng Wei Drink is composed of 3 Chinese medicines, including Red Ginseng, Ophiopogon, Schisandra chinensis and so on. It is mainly used for the treatment of palpitation, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating (involuntary sweating during the day, aggravated by the slightest movement of sweating) caused by deficiency of qi and yin, and has no therapeutic effect on urticaria. It is forbidden to take it if you have a cold or fever, or if you are allergic to the medicinal composition of Sheng Pulse Drink. Allergic persons should be cautious of using Sheng Vein Drink. Avoid eating indigestible food while taking Sheng Vein Drink. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and people with serious chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension should follow the doctor’s instructions to take Sheng Vein Drink. Those who suffer from palpitations caused by the deficiency of qi and yin mentioned above should take Sheng Vein Drink under the guidance of a professional doctor. Sheng Vein Drink does not have the effect of treating urticaria, and those who suffer from urticaria need to be treated in a professional hospital. The medication should be used under the guidance of a physician and should not be taken on its own.

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