What ointment to use for chronic hives

The treatment of chronic urticaria is based on systemic treatment, supplemented by local treatment. For different skin lesions, drugs such as antipruritic agents, antihistamines and glucocorticoid drugs are chosen to control local symptoms.
1. Antipruritic agent: If it is mild erythema, wind, accompanied by itching, you can use antipruritic agent, such as compound camphor cream, compound glycerine lotion and other drugs applied locally, to play the purpose of astringent, antipruritic, to relieve local symptoms.
2. Antihistamines: If the symptoms are more serious, antihistamines can be used externally, such as doxepin hydrochloride cream and other anti-allergy treatment, but it should be noted that such drugs can not be coated with eye.
3. Glucocorticoid drugs: If the inflammatory reaction is heavy, accompanied by a lot of scratches, intense itching, etc., can be used externally hydrocortisone butyrate ointment and other hormonal drugs to control local inflammation and improve symptoms, but note that such drugs should not be used for a long time.
In short, patients with chronic measles should go to the hospital in a timely manner, to take the regular systemic treatment program, the use of drugs under the guidance of the doctor.

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