How to treat and control acute urticaria

Patients with acute urticaria need to be treated with general measures and medications to control the development of the disease and help promote recovery.
1. General measures: stop contact with suspected triggers, common triggers include chocolate, milk, pollen and so on. Avoid scratching or rubbing the affected area to avoid aggravating the symptoms of the lesions. At the same time, pay attention to skin cleanliness, take baths regularly, and pay attention to sun protection when going out, all of which can help control the condition and promote recovery.
2. Drug treatment: patients need to use drugs under the guidance of the doctor, such as oral cetirizine, levocetirizine, loratadine, dicloretidine and other antihistamines, if the removal of the cause and the application of antihistamines is ineffective can be applied to glucocorticosteroids intravenous or intramuscular, and if there are symptoms of shock, respiratory distress and other symptoms should be immediately rescued. After drug treatment, can effectively control the development of the disease, improve the symptoms of the disease.
Once diagnosed with acute urticaria, should go to the hospital in time, need to take appropriate treatment measures in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor’s medication, so as not to delay the condition.

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