Daily precautions for patients with chronic urticaria

  Chronic urticaria is prone to recurring and prolonged attacks. In order to reduce the recurrence of the disease, the following things should be noted in daily life: 1. Check the allergens. Specific methods include patch test, puncture test, blood test, etc.  2. Keep a diary. Especially before and after the rash attack, you should record the relevant food, environment, emotions and other factors in detail to help clarify the triggering factors.  3. Try to avoid the following suspected triggering factors: Food: chili, wine, seafood, beef and mutton, canned food, preservatives, yeast and other artificial additives, pickled food, beverages, etc.  Environment: Keep indoor and outdoor clean and hygienic, no pets and flowers, no carpets. Avoid contact with rubber gloves, hair dyes, scented soaps, detergents, chemical fiber and woolen garments, etc. Patients with cold urticaria should keep warm and avoid cold wind and cold baths, etc.  Drugs: antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfonamides, antipyretic and painkillers such as anandamide, aspirin and acetaminophen can be the cause of urticaria attacks.  4, maintain an optimistic state of mind and strengthen physical exercise. The onset and aggravation of chronic urticaria, and the patient’s emotional or psychological stress has a certain relationship. Therefore, keep a happy and cheerful mood, appropriate exercise, strengthen the body resistance, to prevent urticaria, reduce the recurrence of the disease has a positive significance.

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