Acute hives take a few days to heal

  Acute urticaria has an acute onset and usually resolves within 24 hours on its own, with the exact time of improvement depending on the severity of the condition and whether the triggering factors are removed.  Acute urticaria is often characterized by a sudden itching of the skin, which is quickly aggravated and may be accompanied by a burning sensation, followed by the appearance of limited red or pale white bumps of varying sizes, most of which can subside on their own within a few hours, usually within 24 hours, and do not leave any trace after subside. Some people may experience panic, breath-holding, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis may occur. Once acute urticaria occurs, it is necessary to actively find out the cause and trigger, and after getting rid of the cause and trigger, take oral antihistamine (anti-allergy drugs) such as loratadine, imipramine, cetirizine tablets, epalmatine, etc. under the guidance of a doctor, and apply local anti-itch treatment such as furnace glycol lotion. Those with symptoms such as heartburn and breath-holding need to seek immediate medical attention from the dermatology department or the emergency department.  In daily life, pay attention to the causes or triggers before each acute urticaria attack and try to avoid them in order to reduce recurrence.

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