How to Treat Frequent Hives Attacks

Urticaria is a limited edema of the skin’s mucous membranes due to a temporary increase in vascular permeability. The treatment of frequent urticaria attacks is usually divided into systemic treatment and topical drug treatment. 1. Systemic treatment: the second generation of H1 receptor antagonists such as loratadine can be preferred in mild cases of urticaria; vitamin C and calcium can reduce vascular permeability and have synergistic effects with the former; those with abdominal pain can choose antispasmodic drugs such as scopolamine and atropine. If the condition is serious, dexamethasone subcutaneous injection, epinephrine intramuscular injection should be used immediately, and tracheotomy should be done if necessary. 2. Topical drug therapy: urticaria often recurring in the summer can be used to stop the itching agent and glycerine lotion, winter can be used with the role of itching emulsion such as Benadryl cream, if necessary, can also be localized use of shading agent. If urticaria often attacks, it is recommended that patients timely to the hospital, under the guidance of the doctor to standardize the treatment, the use of drugs need to follow the doctor’s instructions, avoid self-medication.

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