Top 10 causes of hives

  1.Pollen: In the season of pollen transmission, tiny pollen particles will be scattered in the air during the transmission process and flown around with the flow of air, and some of them will be inhaled by people while being absorbed by the skin.  2, dust: dust chronic urticaria is a chronic urticarial reaction of microorganisms living in dust, is the most common chronic urticaria. Dust chronic urticaria includes cotton fiber, fur and various fibers, animal fur and so on.  3, cosmetics: the most typical cosmetic chronic urticaria is fragrance chronic urticaria, and astringent water and other cosmetics containing alcohol ingredients will also produce a certain amount of skin irritation. Other things such as biochemical preservatives, fruit acids and so on can cause different stimuli to different skin.  4, food: common is seafood, mangoes, nuts and nuts food can cause chronic hives.  5, drugs: penicillin, sulfonamides, etc., may trigger the skin chronic urticaria.  6, age: the growth of age and immune imbalance is an important reason for the development of chronic urticaria.  7, pets: domestic pets produce the phenomenon of chronic urticaria. This cause of chronic urticaria due to pets is mainly due to the substances dispersed into the air from cats and dogs, etc., which cause chronic urticaria after human contact.  8, seasonal changes: due to a variety of environmental factors, the air scattered bacterial spores and pollen and other substances will be a large number of human exposure to the release of compounds – histamine, causing chronic urticaria.  9, temperature changes: the temperature is hot and cold, so that sensitive people chronic urticaria.  10, unscientific topical treatment instruments, topical hormone creams, external ultraviolet radiation causes chronic urticaria.

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