How to treat chronic hives

  The evil has the difference of depth and shallow, the same yin and Yang imbalance, Qi and blood is not harmonious, there is injury to the internal, the symptoms see dizziness and headache, weakness and lumbar acidity, hand and foot chills or hand and foot heart fever, menstrual disorders, etc.; hidden rash is injury to the external, the disease in the five body of the hair vein flesh, then the wind itching hidden rash, so when the external treatment.  For the external treatment of this disease, the ancients have many wonderful methods: Danxi has cucumber water to transfer Fulong liver method of external treatment, the “standard of evidence” has external treatment of wind addiction rash a hundred treatment does not kill the miracle formula, the “Medical Zong Jinjian – the key to surgical methods” has “external use of soaking wine hundred parts, to blue cloth dipped in wine rub” method. Commonly used four methods of external treatment of the disease, are taken to stop itching and cure the symptoms, and its application and yin and yang, surface and internal, qi and blood, deficiency, cold and heat.  1, kozo leaf sweet and cool, aqueous bath for the elderly blood deficiency, can not moisten, dry skin, itchy in the wind, with kozo leaf 0, 5 kg, 5000 ml of water, boiled for 30 minutes and then filtered and set aside, first washed with liquid sweat, and later bath, with the effect of emollient itch.  2.Yu Shu oil is pungent and aromatic, rich in volatile oil, composed of eucalyptus oil, etc. It has the function of removing filth and detoxification, relieving swelling and pain, calming the mind and relieving itching, and can be rubbed externally to cool and clear the air and dispel wind-heat, suitable for wind-heat invasion, rash significant itching. This product has a certain irritation, skin lesions broken place avoid use.  3. 30g of gentian, 15g of gentian, 15g of aromatic herb. Decocted in water and applied wet to the affected area. Mainly used for urticaria with heat in the liver and gall bladder. If the heat is strong and generates wind, then it is itchy with wind masses. Take gentian diarrhea liver soup internally, and take gentian externally to clear heat and detoxify, invigorate blood and subdue swelling, and gentian herb to clear heat, dry dampness and diarrhea fire. As the ancients said: gentian can cure pox and wind sores, wind itching all over the body. The aromatic herb boiled juice smoked bath, so that sweating five or seven degrees, to remove addiction rash, stop itching. The three medicines together, there are clear and dispersed, together with the function of diarrhea fire and wind.  4. 120 grams of ligustrum, 15 grams of Sichuan pepper, 60 grams of bitter ginseng, 30 grams of calamus. Decoction with water, external washing. Mainly used for urticaria caused by the combination of wind, cold and damp. Ligusticum root is pungent and warm to dispel wind, and Sichuan pepper is pungent and warm to kill insects and relieve itching. Bitter ginseng kill insects, dry dampness and relieve itching, calamus hard and warm, kill all insects, treat malignant sores and scabies. The four drugs used together, pungent to dispel wind, warm to disperse cold, bitter to dry damp, together to achieve the purpose of rash.  For the preventive care of this disease, although chronic patients are cured and have no new rash in the near future, it is best to take the medicine for one more phase after the cure in order to reduce recurrence. During treatment or after recovery, attention should be paid to dietary contraindications, should not take fish and shrimp, chili peppers, tobacco and alcohol and other fishy and stimulating foods to avoid triggering factors that may cause the recurrence of the disease.

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