Running why itchy legs

Itchy running legs may be caused by itching caused by skin irritation from sweating after exercise, or it may be caused by diseases such as cholinergic urticaria and ringworm. It is necessary to deal with the causes.1. Sports sweating: sweat contains acidic and alkaline components, salt, etc., and the prolonged retention of sweat also causes local bacterial multiplication, these factors may lead to minor inflammatory irritation and itching of the legs, possibly accompanied by stinging and redness of the skin, which is more likely to occur in the dry state of the sportsman’s own skin. Generally with the cessation of sweating and clean skin, the symptoms of itching will gradually disappear, generally without special treatment, daily life should pay attention to the surface of the skin and the surface of intimate clothing clean; 2, disease factors: cholinergic urticaria can also cause itchy legs after running. Cholinergic urticaria belongs to allergic diseases, after a large number of activities, the patient’s body releases too much choline, so that basophils and mast cells release histamine, histamine will cause itching of the skin. The main symptoms are small wind clusters appearing on the patient’s limbs and trunk under exercise and mental tension, localized redness, self-conscious itching and burning sensation, etc., lasting for about half an hour or more before subsiding, which can recur for months or years, and most of them can spontaneously resolve. Patients should keep their bodies cool, avoid heavy sweating, avoid severe heat, mental stress, excessive consumption of hot drinks or alcoholic beverages, etc. Regular use of antihistamines can be therapeutic. If ringworm or other skin problems may also cause itchy legs after running, patients need to clarify the cause according to specific signs and professional examination and perform targeted treatment.

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