What causes excessive sweating after thyroid surgery?

Excessive sweating after thyroid surgery may be related to thyroid dysfunction, medications, and damage to the parathyroid glands. 1. Thyroid dysfunction: Thyroid surgery usually includes partial and total removal, which may lead to dysfunction of the residual thyroid tissue, increase of thyroid hormone in the blood, and at the same time phyto-neurological dysfunction, which causes the symptom of profuse sweating. 2. Drugs: hypothyroidism may occur after thyroid surgery, which leads to alternative treatment with levothyroxine sodium tablets. Adverse effects of this drug include excessive sweating, arrhythmia, palpitation, tremor, etc. In severe cases, the drug can be adjusted under the guidance of the doctor. 3. Damage to parathyroid glands: the adjacent parathyroid glands may be mistakenly injured during thyroid surgery, and calcium deficiency in the body may lead to excessive sweating. If excessive sweating and other uncomfortable symptoms occur after thyroid surgery, you should consult a doctor promptly.

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