What’s going on with the 7-day wound fever?

The causes of fever in 7-day wounds may include infection, poor local blood circulation, wound inflammation, etc. Patients should clarify the cause of the disease in time and treat the symptoms to avoid delaying the condition. 1. Infection: fever in the 7-day wound, accompanied by redness, swelling, pain and other symptoms, is usually a typical symptom of infection. If not treated in time, it may cause wound pus, which is not conducive to wound healing. It is necessary to cut and drain the wound in time and change the medicine to prevent the condition from worsening. 2. Poor local blood circulation: poor blood circulation may cause the wound to be hot and prolonged. Patients can apply some medicines that activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis (promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis in the body) such as safflower oil. 3. Wound inflammation: Wound fever may be related to inflammation and may even lead to tissue necrosis. Patients should actively carry out anti-infection treatment, and at the same time can eat more zinc-rich foods, such as deep-sea fish, beef, pork liver, etc., which is conducive to wound healing. When 7-day wound fever occurs, you should go to the hospital in time for consultation and active treatment.

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