Does it hurt to cut your eyelids?

Eyelid surgery is usually painless due to the effects of the anesthetic medication. After surgery, as the anesthetic medication wears off, the patient will feel mild discomfort, which is usually tolerable.

Double eyelid surgery is medically known as double eyelid surgery. Before performing double eyelid surgery, the surgeon will give the patient a local injection of anesthesia, and under the effect of the anesthesia medication, the patient will not feel any pain during the surgery.

After the surgery, the effect of anesthesia will gradually fade, so the patient will feel local discomfort or slight pain, but generally within the tolerable range. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous.

Under normal circumstances, you will not feel obvious pain when doing double eyelid surgery. It is recommended that you choose a regular hospital, consult in detail, and choose a professional doctor to perform the surgery to reduce the risk. Don’t be too nervous before the operation, or it will affect the postoperative recovery. After surgery, you need to pay attention to hygiene, keep the local incision clean, eat a light diet, eat less spicy stimulating food, so as not to affect the recovery of the incision.

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