How to get up from sleep with half of the face pain

Patients with pain on half of the face when they sleep, according to the specific causes of pain, clinically often can take different treatment methods: a. If the patient sleeps at night with wind and cold causing damage to the facial trigeminal nerve, thus causing trigeminal neuropathic pain, at this time, the patient can take oral swelling and pain, Micropo and other drugs, the face can be applied externally as Yi Jinhuang cream, blood circulation and stasis cream, the use of hot amylopectin pack external to improve local blood circulation Some patients can be given local acupuncture, physiotherapy and other methods to reduce the symptoms of facial pain. Second, if the patient is inadvertently bitten by mosquitoes and insects at night causing allergic reactions in the body, often manifesting as swelling and pain on one side of the face, it is recommended that the patient locally rub itching and anti-inflammatory water, glyburide lotion, oral paracetamol or loratadine and other anti-allergic drugs to reduce allergic metabolic reactions in the body, which can reduce the swelling and pain symptoms of the face.

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